Transcription Episode 25

Hi everyone and welcome to another episode of Living on Blockchain. Today we are speaking to Priyanka from WazirX. WazirX is one of the best exchanges for cryptocurrency in India.

She’s working there as a Chief of Staff. She’s been there with WazirX since day one. It has been a very exciting journey for her.

Moreover, it’s always really fun to talk to women who are, you know, path-breaking in this space and creating a dent in this space. I believe representation is so much more important than, you know, we think in order to sort of get the gender gap to shorten massively. So this is a really fun conversation.

I can’t wait for you guys to hear it. Hi Priyanka, thank you so much for taking all the time to speak to us today. How are you doing? I’m doing fine, Tarusha.

Thank you for inviting me. Oh, it’s a pleasure. I’m really glad that you could get around to doing it.

It got postponed so many times due to my own troubles and this COVID time. So I’m just glad that, you know, we are finally getting around to doing it. But really, thank you so much for coming.

For the benefit of our listeners, could you like give us a little background about yourself and how you got into this space? Sure, sure. Well, to be honest, I got my first crypto, which was Bitcoin in around 2014. But that was it.

I didn’t do much reading about it. But that was the point when I got familiar with the concept of crypto and Bitcoin. However, it was actually in 2017 that I got really involved in it.

When, of course, you know, there was this onset of Bull Run. And the first token that I bought with my own money was Ether. And it’s pretty close to my heart.

And of course, and then I ended up pursuing a career in the crypto space by joining Masidex. I handle marketing and communications at Masidex. And I’ve been associated with the exchange since pretty much day one.

Wow. OK, that’s quite a journey. And you know what you said about Ethereum, I think they’re in the same boat.

Ethereum was one of the first things I purchased as well. Like I’ve been around since 2012, 2013 and set up like a mining rig. And that was like an Ethereum mining rig.

So I think Ether would always be very close to my heart as well. So, yeah, I believe that, you know, we’ve been around for a really, really long time. So, you know, talking about Masidex, what exactly is your role there? It’s one of the best exchanges in India.

And you guys are doing a fabulous job. It is my go to place, you know, for any kind of crypto transactions that have to happen in India. So, yeah, could you tell us a little more about perhaps your role in Masidex? Sure, sure.

See, as of now, I oversee PR, social media and listings at Masidex. But I think until probably early 2020, I used to do pretty much everything. I was the only one in the marketing team in Masidex until I think May when we started expanding our marketing team.

So, yeah, until then, I think I used to, you know, I’ve done social media, I’ve done content. I have, you know, like, of course, like done PR extensively. So, yeah, I’ve seen all the major things there.

But right now I’m solely focused on PR, social media and the listings for now. You know, it’s very interesting. Again, this is, go ahead.

No, no, I mean, I was just like, while talking to you, I just started thinking about those, you know, the major milestones we have seen in our journey, right, so far. So, you know, like when the banking circular came, the ban came into effect. And then the India Wants Crypto movement.

And then, of course, how the ban was upturned in the Supreme Court of India and so on. Yeah, no, it’s been like a bumpy ride, to say the least. It’s been an exciting one.

Yes, yes. That’s what, you know, I can only say. But, you know, I understand that with this entire, you know, the journey that Raziel has kind of started, there’s obviously is pathbreaking.

Like I had co-founded an Ethereum, one of the first Ethereum exchanges as well. But, you know, we had to kind of shut it down and give it to basically another fintech platform. Primarily because of the banking services revocation order that had come into play.

So I know that, you know, it hasn’t been easy. But, you know, the fact that we are still here says quite a bit. You know, we are here for the long year.

True, true. Couldn’t agree more. Yeah, so what is your outlook towards the whole, you know, the policy status in India, like vis-a-vis crypto? Well, I mean, recently, like if you had read the recent news that how the Indian, you know, finance ministry is looking at setting up a board for regulation and all in India.

So that is pretty optimistic to hear. And I think that is also the need of the hour. Because when you look at what other countries are doing today, especially, you know, countries which are way ahead of us.

Like Japan, you look at Switzerland, you look at like what other European countries are doing. So, and I think India really needs to step up its game today if we want to stay ahead in this competition, right? Because from where I can see, we are in the dot-com era right now, right? Like just before the whole breakout happened, we are in that phase, right? And this is our chance to, you know, either be like, again, be laggards like we were in the dot-com era. Or we here, we just step up our game and we become the pioneers here.

And the thing is, we actually have the talent to do that. I mean, even look at us today, right? With the whole regulatory, despite the regulatory uncertainty, how there are like projects, you know, crypto exchanges, crypto projects, like people are doing amazing work here, right? And just imagine what we can do with proper regulation and, you know, with the government having our back. Yeah, no, absolutely.

I completely agree with you that, you know, the talent in India is absolutely immense. And we have unique opportunity right now to either, you know, be pioneers and innovating in this space, which is just going to grow, because right now it’s just in its infancy, the technology. Or we can be laggards, as you said, it is exactly right before, you know, how the internet had kind of progressed.

So even, I believe that with any kind of a new thing, people are, if they are unable to understand it, then there is fear around it, right? This goes for life or business or anything for that matter. So I believe that fear stems from the lack of understanding more than anything else. Agreed, agreed.

Absolutely. You know what? So this fear thing that actually reminds me of our very early days at Buzzirex, because like I mentioned that how I used to handle PR, right? And I remember that, you know, in 2018, probably you wouldn’t even read about crypto exchanges back then, right? I think Buzzirex probably, like I wouldn’t be wrong to say that, you know, we were the first exchange that started coming in news, right? And this took us a lot of time and efforts and a lot of relationship building with journalists because they were so afraid of crypto. They had so many misconceptions around crypto that, you know, like a lot of people, they refused to talk to us because they thought it’s illegal, it’s shady and everything.

And it took so much of convincing and, you know, talking and educating to do. And now, of course, you know, people, I mean, it’s so like heartwarming to see now, you know, journalists, how they’ve opened up. The media has opened up to crypto and they’re realizing the potential of this technology, that it’s not just like a bubble, right? It’s here to stay.

And they want to understand it more. And, you know, now I’m seeing the whole zeal to learn about crypto instead of, you know, like judging it as something as, you know, as shady or anything and just like striking it off. Yeah, no, absolutely.

I believe that there has been a drastic change, you know, especially in the last one and a half year that, you know, we have seen vis-a-vis the perception that people have regarding crypto. It might be just because, you know, some people can see it as like a new space to invest or make money. But there is more curiosity that goes on, you know, that is definitely there.

And you guys have contributed immensely as well to the, you know, the entire movement that India, one crypto movement is all in this. So more power to you guys and especially the kind of initiatives that you take in terms of educating the end user, you know, with your academy and other pursuits, it is absolutely commendable. So I believe that, you know, you guys are really heartbreakers here and what you are doing, it is absolutely commendable.

Because as I said, and I’ll say it again, that, you know, WazirX is my go-to place as well, the UI and everything. It is really so much better as compared to the other exchanges that are available. Thank you.

So good to hear that. Yeah, no, I mean that and you guys, like, you know, you guys are doing a fab job. So that’s, that is wonderful.

So now, you know, talking at the business end of things. So in case, you know, if there are a lot of trends that, you know, come in this space right now, the NFT is making a lot of noise and there is a lot of noise around them. What is your take on NFTs? NFT, definitely.

I mean, it’s, you know, like art 2.0, right? And even when you see like a lot of artists and, you know, they getting into NFT and even, you know, like old school Bollywood singers, they jumping into it. And it’s good to see them, you know, again, like accepting technology and the fact that they’re willing to experiment with it. And I mean, it’s pretty cool, yeah, that today, you know, if artists, they create their NFT and then, you know, of course, like the whole, the fact that it’s tied with blockchain and it’s just like there on the ledger.

And, you know, the way that they can earn royalty, despite like, you know, a number of copies might exist. I think NFT is probably, you know, tech’s way of giving it back to the creators, you know, like giving them their share of dues, which is probably not really done a lot today. If you look at in music industries or art or anywhere.

So, yeah. The potential in the NFT space is immense, absolutely. But some people are afraid about how to, you know, where will this really end up and how will it scale? Because ultimately these are non-fungible tokens and, you know, it’s very subjective, right? To put a price on them.

How do you see this space scaling? But I don’t see putting a price on NFT is really an issue, right? Because when you look at offline, it’s, I mean, it totally depends to someone. Like, for example, for someone like something like even a Mona Lisa could be just a woman smiling, right? Like you really don’t care about an artwork like that, right? But again, there are people, you know, who are avid collectors and who see things differently, of course. And it could be like anything, you know, could be music, same goes for it.

So I really don’t see any issue with that. In fact, I think it’s more like, I think we call it network effect, right? So, you know, with more and more creators coming on board to NFT, we’ll also see more collectors coming and, you know, to be a part of it, right? Because see, if you are crazy about art, any form of art, you will find a way to get access to it. And we have people like recently someone who paid, you know, like millions for this artwork.

I mean, yesterday only, I think we read about some old meme get auctioned off. Yes, so we’ll definitely see more and more collectors come into this space. And at the same time, I think that will also encourage more creators come in the space.

So I don’t see any issues with scaling of NFT. Yeah, I think that, you know, that that kind of perception is absolutely correct. It’s about the creator’s economy and creating that and kind of scaling that.

Ultimately, the beauty kind of lies in the eyes of the beholder. You know, these are collectibles and nobody really asks why is Mona Lisa priced at whatever it is, right? Like it’s priceless, right? So, you know, your point is really well taken regarding this entire NFT space. I have usually had a concern regarding where would it end up.

I believe there is immense potential here. But again, you know, with the crypto space or with this technology, it’s very hard to say where anything would end up. We are just here, like we can observe, we can be a part of the ride.

But it’s very hard to say where would it really end up. But yeah, having said that, I believe that yes, the potential here is absolutely immense. So apart from NFTs, you know, DeFi has been making a lot of waves all over.

That, you know, all kinds of DeFi services are available and they keep making people’s lives much easier. As against, you know, with the banks where the PGM is high. What is your take on the DeFi space? I’m definitely intrigued by DeFi.

In fact, WazirX is also building a decentralized exchange, right? And even here, like at WazirX, of course, we know that eventually the whole shift, like I’m sure in the next few years, probably in a decade, we are going to see a major shift from centralized to decentralized, like overall the ecosystem, right? And of course, like there are amazing projects doing such phenomenal work in DeFi, right? Like DEXs, of course, are one use case. But then when you see people doing amazing job in lending, then, you know, I mean, everything, you know, you look at what Compound is doing, what, you know, like people are building solutions on top of it. Like Matic is doing an amazing job in integrating with DeFi ecosystem.

So I think there are amazing things happening out there. And so this is one use case of, you know, crypto. I’m really like this one aspect of crypto I’m really excited about because it has huge potential to even kind of coincide and transform the traditional finance like we see it today, right? Like, especially when you look at all these new banks and all coming up, I mean, together, I think there are crazy possibilities today.

But the thing is, it’s very, very nascent right now. And I want to see, you know, mature faster. And of course, like watch the use cases unfold.

Absolutely. I believe that DeFi is like, you know, it’s all of these platforms that are coming up, they are aiming to solve a problem or they are already solving a problem, which is very relevant for a certain section of the society. So I think that it is so important that, you know, people have a say in their financial freedom in the way their money is being spent or is being utilized.

So DeFi kind of gives them back that power. And as you said that, you know, it’s a very exciting space to watch out for. And we are just, I believe that, you know, maturity will come right now.

There are so many solutions. And, you know, after it takes basically a good bear run to figure out which projects will kind of, you know, live to survive. Which is a sad truth because a lot of projects are, you know, they’re just there when the sun is shining, they make hay, but otherwise they kind of disappear.

But yeah, I do believe that, you know, a lot of people are building some really great solutions in the DeFi space. So now, you know, we’ve talked about like a lot of things. So what projects are, like, you know, this is obviously not financial advice, but if you had to like talk about the top five tokens in your portfolio, which one would they be? This is not financial advice, obviously.

But yeah, I don’t know. Well, I don’t think I’m holding five tokens right now, but so yeah, but I’m surely holding Bitcoin. I’m holding Ether.

I’m also, of course, I’m holding WRX. I have been holding Matic as well, though I think I sold it recently. And I’m holding some Tron.

That’s it. But I’ve been, yeah, I’ve been keeping an eye out on that. But I mean, I just, I heavily use Brave on my phone.

And but yeah, I think it’s high time that probably I should just buy some BAT as well. Yeah. I mean, I’ve been I’ve been kind of stalking.

Yeah, I’ve been like stalking Brave for quite a bit, but never just ended up buying it. So like, why not? Right. Yeah.

Okay. That sounds like those are like solid projects that you’re holding on to. So you would consider yourself like more of a hodler than a trader? Definitely.

Hodler all the way. Yeah, I think that, you know, I would say that for myself as well, because, you know, trading is like a full time job. I don’t know how do people do it.

Oh, right. Yeah. Like, I don’t even know how do people do it.

But yeah, this is pretty much again in the same boat. Yeah. So, okay.

Exciting with all of these projects coming in. Who would you recommend as good thought leaders or, you know, books that you would recommend to people who are looking to get into this space? Books. Definitely.

I mean, there are a lot of books, to be honest. But one book that, you know, even at WazirX, everyone like, you know, keep recommending is, of course, like the Bitcoin Standard and the Internet of Money, you know, these kind of books. But yes.

And but more than books, I would say if there is anyone who is looking to learn or read about crypto, I think it’s amazing. You know, you can just go out, open any blog. I mean, there are like so many educational articles today, right? And they’re compact.

They’re insightful. They’re witty. Right.

And I mean, there are plenty of resources out there. Yeah, no, that’s absolutely correct. Because, you know, but the thing that I feel is that there are so many resources at times.

It’s very, it’s like, you know, saying that you can learn this off Google. Right. It’s very overwhelming because, you know, some people need to be nevertheless pointed in the right direction.

So, again, you know, information dissemination becomes so important and choosing who you are following also becomes very important. Because, you know, you can’t just follow anybody like at random because you don’t know whether they have the right kind of information. So, you know, the trusted ones would be perhaps people who are already like founders or entrepreneurs are working in this space who built like a product.

They might be like a good fit for you to sort of follow and get their opinions. That’s true. I agree with that.

That so besides CDs, books and some educational articles, one should definitely follow the top 10 projects. I mean, you can check out what the top 10 projects are. Right.

And follow their team, read their blogs and understand what they are doing. And then there are so many like good telegram channels, like, you know, like the channels by, let’s say, Cointelegraph or, you know, if you want to understand the market a little better than there is Glassmode. Right.

So, I mean, there’s so many interesting platforms. You can just find them and you can start reading about it. I mean, just follow the news, consume it.

And eventually then you get a hang of it. Right. Like, I mean, if you have any questions, like if you are confused about something, you just like Google that part and what’s happening.

At least that’s how I learned, you know, the concepts when I was new at it. Yeah, absolutely. I think, you know, you learn a by doing getting your hands dirty and, you know, getting into the game or by sort of following the information that is already there and the tried and tested that the information and tried and tested actions that these people have already taken who have actually made a dent in this space.

So it’s, you know, you can be rest assured that you’re not really going to completely eff it up. Obviously, you know, you have to do your own research. And that is something that everybody kind of reiterates again and again, because it’s very easy to just sort of follow somebody blindly.

And then, you know, you kind of that would be like a mistake, basically, because everybody is human. Right. Right.

So there is one thing I keep telling people, especially like with the whole, you know, with Elon Musk and a lot of celebrities endorsing crypto. Of course, a lot of my family members and I also woke up to the crypto frenzy. And then they used to come to me asking, you know, hey, which crypto should I buy and all that.

But one thing I’ve always told, like even relatives or anyone who asked me about, you know, like crypto advice. So, of course, you know, instead of finding which crypto to invest into, like make money, don’t look at it like a get quick rich scheme. Right.

It’s not that. So first of all, this is exactly where you have to stop and change your perception. Think of it first.

Understand, you know, if you don’t even know what a blockchain is or a crypto is, then you shouldn’t buy it. Right. I mean, I understand that today, anyway, in India, the whole financial literacy is very low.

We like we don’t understand a lot of assets, whether it’s traditional or non-traditional. There is very little understanding around it. But you should at least know the basics, you know, of where your money is going in before putting it there.

And what I also tell them is that put a little money somewhere, you know, don’t put a lot of money, but very little money, something which you have absolutely OK, you know, you’d be OK to lose. So as soon as you have skin in the game, then you’d be more incentivized to read it. So read and learn about it.

And yeah, and spend wisely. So, yeah. Yeah.

No, those are really good suggestions, because as I said, you know, you get your hands dirty, you get into the game and then you will be motivated to learn more about it. And then there will be a hyper learning curve for you. If you’re the curious kind, you will learn about the monetary system and, you know, centralization of power and whatnot.

And it will really open up your mind to the range of possibilities that are opened up by just this technology. So, yeah, those are really good suggestions. Now, coming to women in this space, to the gender gap, this is something that I discussed with all the females that are on the podcast.

Essentially, you know, what do you think about the gender gap and who are women role models that you follow in this space? See, of course, there is no denying the fact that there is an immense gender gap in the crypto industry today. And again, so the primary reason so far has been, you know, how crypto is seen publicly, right? So, like, it’s still at kind of an intersection of finance and tech, both the spaces which are highly underrepresented by women, right? So, like, this whole needs like a big PR do over. And I think it’s upon us, like the women in the space to do that, because and what we can do to bridge this gap is probably, you know, be more vocal about our thoughts and opinions.

Okay. And I mean, if you’re in the space, talk about it, interact. Earlier, I used to be very intimidated about, you know, seeing all the men in the space.

I’m being very candid. Okay. Because I in like a lot of groups and all, I probably used to be like the only woman and it used to terrify the shit out of me.

And I don’t voice my opinions. And even if, you know, someone would say something which didn’t make sense, I didn’t even have the courage to contradict them or something. You know, I don’t know.

I just didn’t want to be ridiculed probably. But I think when we keep doing it, it kind of encourages more women to come, you know, even if they’re like silently mute spectators in a group. So of course, it will encourage them.

And of course, you know, be more active in the space. And again, like kind of like keep on like a domino effect, right? Like keep encouraging more women to come in the space. Also, like as someone who has come from a very non-technical background.

So I keep talking about, you know, what all you can do to pursue a career in the space because like investment is one side of things, you know, there are plenty of career opportunities as well, right? Like don’t think of it crypto that, you know, it’s only a tech space or you must know solidity to be a developer or something like that. So I keep talking about the career opportunities in the space as well. And again, this is something I hope it helps others.

Yeah. And actually, every time I meet. Yeah, sorry.

Go on, please. No, no, please go ahead. I was just agreeing with you.

I think what you said is something that I keep saying a lot that, you know, it’s not just for the tech people that crypto is there. And what you said about coming from a non-tech background. So I started like an entrepreneurial journey as like a non-tech founder.

And I came from a non-tech background, but I have only in my all of these 12, 13 years that I’ve been in this space, I’ve just founded tech ventures. I’m a self-taught techie. So, you know, it’s easy to grasp things.

And there is no, I don’t believe that you’re ever too old to sort of learn. And you can always learn, but you don’t necessarily have to be a coder to be in this space. So that is something very important that needs to be reiterated again and again, because people get intimidated by the idea of just, you know, that, okay, this is deep tech and we don’t come from that background.

You know, that’s wrong. You can, and there’s space for everybody here. This entire gender gap thing, I completely understand where you’re coming from, because I know how that feels like being the only woman in the room, like all around that table.

It’s there, that gender gap is very, very present. But the only way I believe that it can be perhaps reduced is by representation, whereby, you know, carving the path for other women. And they see that, okay, yeah, you know, this is not just a space for men, like women belong everywhere.

So maybe, you know, they can also, they can be given some hope, or they can be inspired to take the next step. Agree. Could not agree more.

In fact, the other day, I remember reading Rachel’s article on Cointelegraph about how, you know, female led blockchain events probably inspire more women to participate in crypto in a long term basis. And I wrote to her, I told her how inspired I was after reading her post. And, you know, how much I agreed with it.

And especially with the whole, like, again, the gap, which is so apparent today. And so I remember something from there. So for me, you know, in fact, I remember in my early days, I read, you know, you remember Preeti Kase Reddy, right? So it was her medium articles that inspired me to read more about crypto.

In fact, her posts kind of simplified things for me a lot. And I think from there, it was pretty much a piece of cake. And I remember meeting her at a blockchain event last year.

And I was so excited. I was so inspired to be in the same room as her. And I made sure, like, I made a point to tell her that it was your posts, your content, you know, that helped me on board to crypto.

And I’m sure it must have inspired many other people. But now, like, today, as of today, like while talking to you, I feel like I also owe to a lot of women, like a lot of young women, like my sister or any other young kids, you know, owe it to them to kind of simplify things, you know, even further and make sure to bridge the gap in my own way. And, you know, make sure that they make sure to decode crypto for them and encourage more participation in the space, especially for women.

Absolutely. Yeah, absolutely. The responsibility lies very heavily on our shoulders.

I believe that, you know, we kind of have to make sure that there are that we are encouraging women around us to actually go after not just financial freedom and, you know, the freedom of choice that those like are the overarching things that you know, you need to be able to have freedom of choice and have financial freedom to ultimately live out your potential, right? You can’t even begin to think about living your potential if you don’t have those two very basic things. And somehow those two very basic things are denied to women, like all over the world. It’s not just here.

Agreed, agreed. And the thing is, when we see more women in the space, I think there would be less stereotyping as well. Right? Because even today, as a woman, like, especially, you know, they’re like fewer women in any group or platform.

I don’t know why people think that it’s very easy to speak to you, undermine you, or that you have worked hard for and reduce you just to your gender. And they think that they can get away with that. Right? You know, I mean, probably.

And it kind of gets me, it annoys the hell out of me. It makes me angry. You are being so nice.

I get angry. I can get physically violent by the number of times. And now it doesn’t happen so often.

But, you know, when I started off, it was very annoying. Like, you know, a woman in deep tech from Delhi and not Bangalore. So there were so many stereotypes, right? Because usually you associate tech, you come from Bangalore, and then you don’t expect a girl to be there.

I’ve had so many times and you know, I’m talking to people about crowd and, you know, you know, systems, you know, completely agnostic in nature and layers and droplets. And they’re just looking at me and, you know, waiting for my co-founder to actually, you know, kind of confirm or waiting or asking me. Some people have straight out asked me, is this business your father? Or is it like your husband? And I’m like, really, like, that is where your mind is at.

I’m here talking to you about path breaking technology. And that is the first thing that you can think. So yeah, I totally get it.

It’s aggravating. Yeah. Yeah, man.

It annoys me a lot sometimes. But again, you know, you just gotta tell yourself that it’s okay. You know, like, these people don’t matter.

You know, you’re more than that. Yeah. See, you don’t owe anybody any explanation.

And, you know, you just have to sort of carve your own path, do your own thing and making sure that, you know, you’re taking people along with you for this ride to encourage more participation. But then, you know, people like those, they, you know, it’s not about so much about your words. It’s more about your actions.

You set them up with your actions. And I am not like sort of saying that, okay, don’t use your words. Use your words.

But what I’m saying is, like, you know, there’s just like use one-tenth of your energy in shutting them up with your words. Rest of it, put it in your actions. Because there’s no point in being, you know, aggravated and angry because, you know, some people are still stuck in some old age and they have these idiotic thinking patterns.

Agreed. All right. Okay.

So this has been a really fun conversation. This kind of brings me, you know, we’ve already covered it. Usually I ask the people who come on the show on how, you know, you would advise people who are, you know, on the outside to start living on blockchain.

But we’ve kind of covered that. So the last question that I’ll, you know, put you through here would be, what are your future plans? Like, where do you see yourself going? Where do you see WazirX going in the next, you know, five years, the next decade? What does it hold for you? I definitely see WazirX as, you know, becoming the first ever crypto unicorn of India. And I’m like, I’m pretty excited that I’m a part of such a, like a phenomenal company.

And of course, witnessing its growth as we, you know, as we speak. And in my plans, I, dude, I don’t know if there’s any going back. I think crypto has ruined me.

I don’t know. I cannot see myself in anything, you know, anything else other than blockchain or crypto. And exactly.

That’s what it is. This industry has ruined me. Absolutely.

We have to be here only. We live and die. Oh, man.

Yeah. That is true. Yeah, very exciting.

I think once you get into this industry, I think there is no looking back. You wouldn’t want to go back to the other sectors because this is just a very, very dynamic and exciting space. Like we probably sound like crazy people, like trying to encourage other people to join a cult.

But the truth is, it is like a cult. Like, you know, because once you get involved, you don’t want to leave. Oh, God, that’s true.

But it’s very interesting space, you know. Yeah. Yeah.

So once you start reading about it, it’s a rabbit hole. You’re down there and that’s it. No recovering from it.

So my sister, she just entered. I mean, she’s pretty young and she started, you know, reading about crypto probably Jan or Feb 2021. And now she’s so deep into it and she’s reading about technical analysis and everything else.

She’s obsessed with price charts right now. And I was like, dude, you’re goner. You’re absolutely goner.

Like, welcome to this club. Yeah. Welcome to this other side of the door, my friend.

Right, right. No, but it’s good. I believe that, you know, this is, blockchain is a great equalizer and crypto is therefore a really great equalizer.

So I think that, you know, it’s just going to grow as an industry with or without the policy support. I’m hoping that it’d be with the policy support because, you know, we don’t want India to be left behind. But yeah, like it’s been such a great conversation.

Like I always love speaking to women in this space because, you know, I identify with a lot of what they say and what they’ve experienced. So it has been an absolutely lovely chat with you Priyanka. Any parting thoughts before we wrap this up? No, thank you for inviting me, Tarusha.

It was amazing interacting with you. And I think you added that, you know, it’s always, I don’t know, I feel very good about, you know, after interacting with any woman in this space and it just kind of feels that, you know, you’re not alone, you know, it gives you that feeling. So I just hope that, you know, we keep seeing, you know, like more and more women participate in the space.

And yeah, man, continue up the, you know, with the phenomenal work you’re doing and I hope to see more women on your podcast soon. Absolutely. Thank you so much.

It’s been lovely speaking to you. Please stay safe. You too.

Thank you.

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