Transcription Episode 32

Hi everyone and welcome to another episode of Living on Blockchain. Today we’ll be speaking to Atharv. Atharv is the co-founder of NFT Labs and they have two verticals, Social Swag and as well as ItsMine.

So Social Swag does, you know, NFTs which are more Bollywood-centric or facing and ItsMine, it has a sports niche. So this conversation we kind of talked about how NFTs and metaverse are intrinsically related and all the exciting things that these guys are building at NFT Labs as well. So I can’t wait for you guys to hear this.

Let’s deep dive right in. Hi Atharv, thank you so much for taking out the time to speak to us today. How are you doing? Hey, hi Tarusha, thank you so much for having me.

I’m doing well, thanks. How are you? I’m doing well too. So Atharv, can you, you know, start off, let’s start off by telling our listeners about your journey so far in crypto and how you got into this space.

So, you know, actually it’s not too much of a deviation for me to get into crypto from where I started because my entire career, so to say, began in technology. I started with a company called Fractal Media, which basically was the early genesis of OlaPlay. In OlaCabs, we have those taxi TV kind of entertainment devices.

So we actually made that system for Ola. And that was my first company and my first exit, post which I did a bunch of other things in between arranging from, you know, pharmaceutical distribution to other kinds of trading and so on. But I think that there was a period of a few years in between where I was not really sure what I wanted to do next.

So I just tried a bunch of things out and crypto happened to be one of those bunch of things. But like many other people, yeah, but like many other people, I was just, you know, on the sidelines. I was doing trade trading for my own portfolio.

And also did some trades on behalf of some friends and some family members and so on. So I did not really plan on launching my own project in crypto, I think until 2020, at least. But then like when the plan happened, it just came together quite fast.

Okay. Yeah, that’s how things move in crypto. They tend to move really fast.

So tell us a little about what you’re working on currently, you know, you can elaborate on what it’s mine does. And you can tell our users about that. Yeah, great.

So you know, just to kind of set some context, we have a company called NFT labs. And within NFT labs, the idea is to build a suite of multiple products, which will effectively leverage NFT technology in one way or the other. And the product which we are launching is called it’s mine.

So it’s mine is basically IPS, my any, and it’s mine is basically based on a very simple fundamental that currently in the NFT space now people are buying and selling NFTs on marketplaces like OpenSea, Rarible and so on. But these same people are engaging in all kinds of social chatter and social conversation on platforms like discord servers, telegram groups, WhatsApp and so forth. So effectively, for one set of digital assets, two different types of platforms are being used, right? On one hand, we have trading and on one hand, we have the social chatter.

So we thought that why not just combine the trading and the talking into one single product. And that is literally how the idea of it’s mine was born. And it’s fine.

It’s basically a centralized platform, wherein people can buy and sell NFTs. Plus, they can engage in social conversation with each other, as well as with publishers of the NFTs. Okay, and so there is a way for these creators to actually have their community, you know, being built there itself.

Is that correct? So that’s what we are doing things a bit differently. So you know, a lot of times when I tell this to people, the first perception is that it’s a hybrid between OpenSea and Instagram or OpenSea and Reddit. But I think it’s mine is not not really that it’s mine is more of a hybrid between NBA TopShot and Reddit, which means that what we are doing is that we are only selling officially licensed NFTs.

We will be partnering with certain creators and brands and so on. And we will only have their NFTs sold on to our platform. People can come they can buy those NFTs and then the secondary trading of these NFTs can happen on our own marketplace as well as any other NFT marketplace.

But yeah, go ahead. Sorry, so I was just saying that the other thing which we have done is that, you know, like, basically, when I started this company, one of the things I kept hearing again and again from investors is that all big companies in the social networking space began with a very, very small niche. And they did something really epic in that particular niche before moving to a more universal category of audiences.

So the niche which we have chosen to start with is in the niche of sports. So we will be selling only officially licensed sports NFTs in its mind. Okay.

Okay. All right. Okay.

So, you know, how do you, like go about deciding which other, you know, you know, which sports are you targeting? Or which perhaps themes are you targeting? Like, how do you go about deciding that? Is there an internal mechanism that you have in place? Or do you take like public opinion? How do you go about doing that? So the idea is once we have some kind of scale in terms of community participation and engagement, the idea is to have this decision making then by a DAO type mechanism. But right now, it’s centralized mechanism. But in what we are doing is that the team based on our own contacts in the sports industry in Asia and abroad, we are just trying to leverage our contacts to get partnerships with sports brands, teams, athletes, and go on.

And I think some of the notable partnerships we have currently, there are like two or three of them. One is with a company called Swiss Timing, which basically owns Swatch Group, which then in turn owns Omega watches, Sado, and like a bunch of Swiss watch brands. So they are our first partner in the sports category, because they are an official sponsor of the Olympics.

The second partner we have gotten on board is ANTA. ANTA. So ANTA, they actually own a bunch of sports brands globally.

And some of the major sports brands they own are, there are two brands, actually. One is called FILA. F-I-L-A.

So yeah, everybody’s heard of that. Exactly. So FILA is quite well known.

And the second well known brand which they own is called Wilson. Wilson is very big in the world of tennis. So if you ever played tennis, like, you know, there’s a chance that the rackets or the balls were made by Wilson, if not both.

Okay, wow, that’s interesting. Yeah. So quite a few big names.

Yeah. Like a more part of you guys, you just started off and you know, you really close some big names. Yeah, thank you.

So I think in this kind of feel like that is basically how the thing should get built, right? Because if we don’t have good quality supply on the NFT side, it’ll be very hard to get good quality demand as well. And then if we don’t have the balance of the two, then the platform won’t ever scale. Right.

So what is the kind of traction that you have seen so far? How many collections have you pushed out till now? So Trisha, it’s mine is not yet launched. We are currently in the beta testing phase. All of these partnerships we have gotten on board, right? These partnerships are basically there that once our platform goes live, there NFTs will be the ones which are the first ones to be listed.

But I think even in the pre launch traction, we have been building up a waitlist of people who have expressed an interest to become users of it’s mine. And currently that waitlist is about 75,000 people. So I think it’s, yeah, so I mean, I don’t foresee any challenge in getting the initial set of users.

But I think we’ll be able to, you know, kind of keep those people engaged and hooked to come back time and again, that will be the real challenge. Okay, yeah, yeah, that makes sense. Obviously, the stickiness would ultimately come down to, you know, the user interface and such and what kind of collections you’re pushing out.

But with these kind of partnerships already under your belt, I think you wouldn’t have any trouble. I was actually under the impression that you know, you guys are alive because recently with 83, you guys have partnered with the movie, right? And you pushed out the NFTs as well for this. Would you like to tell us a little more about that collaboration? Because that’s like super exciting.

Yeah, so yeah, glad you asked that. Over here, the thing is that, you know, our company is NFT Labs, right? And the idea is to have multiple products which deal with NFTs. Mine is our core product.

But just last month, I think around the 25th of December, we launched one more product called Social Swag NFTs. Okay, so that Social Swag NFTs is a joint venture between our company NFT Labs and a company called Social Swag Technologies, which is actually owned by your Bollywood stars, Akshay Kumar and Rana Daggubati. Okay, so it’s a partnership between their company and ours.

And as a joint venture, we have basically built Social Swag NFTs, which is India’s, which is currently India’s largest marketplace for officially licensed Bollywood NFTs. Okay, so these are two separate verticals. Like, you know, there is the Social Swag NFTs, and then there is It’s Mine NFTs, the niches are different.

Correct? Exactly, exactly. So It’s Mine is a social platform, it is completely sports focused. Social Swag is on the other hand, Asian entertainment focused, and it is not anything to do with sports.

Okay, all right. But you know, you got like the movie which deals with like the greatest cricketing moment in the scene. So I just assume that, you know, that will be a part of It’s Mine as well.

But no more props to you guys, like, you know, the way with the speed at which you guys are moving and the kind of partnerships that you guys have built, I do feel that you know, you are going to be flag bearers here, at least, you know, in this niche space of NFTs. So tell me a little now, let’s, let’s go on from, you know, what you’re doing to the general perception around NFTs, like people have a certain perception that, you know, obviously, people can say that, okay, you know, the kind of value ascribed to an NFT is basically, you know, something that people have a hard time wrapping their head around. But ultimately, you know, then, you know, an argument can be made that beauty lies kind of in the eyes of the beholder.

Well, what are your thoughts around, you know, this kind of perception that people hold, which is sort of derogatory towards NFTs? So, you know, I think, actually, there are two things that I think about this, right? One is that until I think about Jan or Feb last year, I was in the other camp of people who looked down upon NFTs. I had kind of deemed it a fool’s errand that, you know, people are just trying to just extort money from each other and the game will at some point burst and then the whole bubble will get exposed. That was my thought process.

But I think the way that I have now completely shifted my conviction to the other extreme is that I actually had taken a decision at the point that before I dismiss this as a bubble, I should at least know that exactly what are the reasons why I’m going to dismiss it. I did not want to be the one who, you know, who kind of just says something negative because of the mentality. I’ll do my own research around it.

And if I am convinced that it is absolute shit, I’ll just stick with that thesis, right? But then I went down this whole rabbit hole around studying what an NFT is, what is the technology behind it, what is the utility, why some people have really done well, why CryptoPunks was the success it was, why people like Gary Vee are promoting NFTs, why is LeBron James selling an NFT for $300,000. I actually did a lot of research on a lot of these things. And I think the more and more I did this research, the more I spoke to people who are from this industry.

I think bit by bit, you know, the whole resistance towards this being a genuine business opportunity just melted away. And then I think now I’m on the other extreme of things, wherein I believe that the NFT technology is here to stay forever. Now, obviously, there are certain NFT projects, certain NFT works of art, which may depreciate in value quite significantly.

But I think that kind of a cleansing process must happen in every new technology, right? Yeah, there’s always correction, right? There is always correction. And yeah, and moreover, if you’re thinking associating NFTs with any kind of a creative expression, and you think of it, you know, as art or any sort of a creative, unique expression that you’re putting out, then again, you know, fluctuation in their ascribed value is only natural, right? There’ll be ups and there’ll be downs. Exactly.

And you know, parallel to art, right? If you actually dig deep, right? There are maybe like some, there are maybe double digit number of artists globally, who have some kind of recognition and who have some value on their works. You know, maybe number I think last I checked was between 70 and 90. So these are really the artists like, you know, selling at auctions, art galleries are after them to get commissions and so on.

But then if you compare this number, there are probably over 100,000 artists in total, who also create something similar in terms of works of art. But then obviously, a very, a very small fraction of them becomes the runaway success that it does. And I think, but just because that is the case, we don’t dismiss art as being a bubble, right? It is that the real talent always gets a due share of reward, either now or at some point in the future.

In due time, yeah. And duly it will, yeah, the value would be like, you know, very therefore apparent for everybody to see. Now, you know, when we come talk about like, the value aspect, the other aspect obviously is the utility aspect.

So there are a lot of now newer case, use cases that, you know, people are striving to again, NFTs. What is your take on that? Like, you know, Twitter came up with this idea that they’ll do profile verification via NFTs, that blue tick. So have you come across any sort of an interesting use case or how do you think this space is going to evolve? Yes, that’s a great question.

I think utility is definitely one way that we can make the value around the art a bit more tangible. So for example, when we launched these 83 movies, movie NFTs, one of the things we did was that we launched multiple collections. But the next collection which we are launching now is actually NFTs, which have very direct utility.

And the direct utility is that you get to own a piece of physical asset along with a digital copy. So in the case of 83, what we are giving people is that if you buy that scene of Ranveer Singh hitting the last boundary, you actually get an autographed copy of the moose bat that was used in 83. And that bat gets… Oh, so the original bat they will be able to own? Exactly.

You lease the bat by courier and the bat is actually packaged in a museum style box. So it becomes, so you know, it’s like actually buying a piece of ticket memorabilia in two formats at the same time. One is the physical and one is the NFT version of it.

So I think asset backing is definitely one good utility, which we think there is a lot of good response for. But apart from this, there are also some other interesting utility use cases which I’ve recently come across. For example, we are launching one more collection in collaboration with an artist who has worked with Marvel Studios for a very long time.

And he has this very interesting concept that the NFTs which he sells, the proceeds from those NFTs, he does not want any money from these. What he wants to do, however, is that he wants to use the NFT proceeds to set up a DAO, which will compensate victims of crypto scams. Okay, wow.

How would you go about doing that? Like, how would you identify and what would the loop look like here? So actually, that is something that we are currently still finalizing because he’s an artist. He has very extreme demands of what he wants as the final outcome. Now it is my job to kind of, you know, put together all the steps in between to help him get the final outcome in a practical fashion.

So I honestly, I think it’s a bit too early. I don’t have the right answer for this exactly how will this all work out. But the idea is there.

And I think, similar to how this guy has this idea, there are a lot of NFT projects who also have some very interesting and I think utility guys will definitely fare better for the midterm or even the short term compared to the non-utility, PPO or artwork-based NFTs. Right, you know, I think that’s a very natural way that the space is going to evolve, that there will be utilities associated with NFTs and people will, you know, as you said, people will come around and be able to see the value that NFTs really bring to the table in due time. Like this is just a little like early crypto days, right? Everybody used to kind of question the utility or, you know, even the value being ascribed to say like any cryptocurrency or crypto token.

But then people came around, they realized what the use cases are. So I do believe that, you know, it’s going to be a gradual progression for NFTs as well in that space. So now moving on from NFTs, let’s talk a little about the other trending, you know, things in the space.

There is a lot of noise off late about the Metaverse and, you know, how Facebook also kind of did, you know, rejigging of their brand name and now they’re called Meta. What are your thoughts on the Metaverse and how do you see this space evolving? And are you, you know, as a company going to be doing something in the Metaverse space anytime soon? Because NFTs and Metaverse, they’re kind of inherently a little related. Correct.

And I think actually the whole interlink between NFTs and Metaverse is actually what dragged me into NFTs for the major part. So had it probably been just NFTs by itself, probably NFT labs would have been something else. But the idea behind starting NFT labs was to kind of become one of the initial players to set up the infrastructure for upcoming Metaverses.

And currently the way we are doing this is by building communities around NFTs, but then obviously the plans are more Metaverse specific. And I think a couple of things, with the way I see this linkage happening is that in the case of our own partners, for example, when you take the brand like Fila or their parent company Anta. So Fila at this junction rate as a brand has two options.

They can go down the NFT route and simply put out the collection on OpenSea and it will still sell out because of the brand power of the Fila name But what we are doing is that we are educating all of these brands to follow the path of an Adidas or of a Nike, wherein we tell them, it is actually better for you to have a Metaverse presence and have NFTs become a by-product of that presence itself. So don’t keep NFTs as the end goal, but rather keep Metaverse presence and early Metaverse presence as the goal, and then use NFTs as a way to get to the goal. So one example in which we are making this work right now is that in the case of Fila, we are not directly creating NFTs of Fila and putting them on any marketplace anywhere.

What we are doing on the other hand is that we are creating the Fila Metaverse store. So it is the Fila Metaverse experience center, FEC. So this experience center, people can go in and you don’t even require a VR headset to access it because we are building this on Somnium Space, which is compatible with your mobile laptop and all devices.

So the idea is that you can go to this Metaverse station and you can actually interact with a couple of products that Fila has. So for example, there are flagship shoes, but if you want to buy a shoe, the idea is that we don’t sell you the shoe in the Metaverse or we don’t take you to an e-commerce stage. Rather what we do is that we sell you a blank shoe.

If you take a Fila model, for example, one of the models is called KT57. So that KT57 shoe comes with like a variety of designs, patterns, and so on. But what we are doing is that we are selling the very stripped down 3D version of the KT57 shoe by itself.

And then we’re telling people that, hey, now once you own the shoe as an NFT, you can further customize the shoes, patterns, colors, skins, graphics using additional NFTs. And, you know, basically those who are sneaker heads will want to have the biggest set of accessories around their shoes so that that shoe becomes that much more valuable when they want to either do a resale or use it in any Metaverse applications. But then what we are doing is that as a brand, a company like Fila, they don’t see much sense putting all of this time and effort and then making some NFT sales happen through Metaverse and getting a few thousand dollars out of it.

You know, because even if you get them a few million dollars, but that basically is a dent in the overall supply of the company. So the whole idea over here is to take it one step further. So what we are doing for these guys is that we are building a Metaverse store first, then we are selling NFTs in that Metaverse store and then we are making those NFTs visible in video games as skins and so on.

So for example, very recently this fashion brand Balenciaga, they made a deal with Fortnite wherein one of the Fortnite characters is a pug dog and Balenciaga is actually selling hoodies for the dog. Right, yes, I read about this. Yeah, exactly.

So we are in talks with Epic Games and some companies to actually sell such accessories for some of our partner brands in their games and so on. So we are getting the brands on board for three parts of the journey. You know, one part is NFT, one part is Metaverse and the last and final part is gaming.

Wow, okay. There’s like, you know, the entire thing is coming a full circle. There is actually like, you know, you’re not just getting an NFT and not only are you able to like get a branded NFT, you are able to customize it and perhaps further split it into more NFTs and then there is actually a use case in the Metaverse as well, apart from experiencing it in the Metaverse.

So this is very exciting. But you know, again, this is something that, as you said, you know, this is like a niche and a lot of people understand it and a lot of, I think, you know, gamers and people who are already, you know, kind of in the space, they do understand the craze around it. How would you go about explaining this perhaps to somebody, you know, maybe say like our parents, who perhaps don’t really, you know, understand this so thoroughly, like, what would be your take? And this I’m asking because just out of pure curiosity, because I always like knowing how people, you know, kind of dismantle their macro thoughts or their vision into something that is very, very simple.

So, you know, early on, I think when I was in, I don’t know which standard, but sometime in school, right after my, sometime in my secondary school, Facebook had just got an initial traction. And I had signed up for a Facebook account at the time. And I showed it to somebody in the family, I don’t remember my mom or dad who saw it, but I showed it to them, like, you know, this is like a cool new thing, because basically at that time people had a lot of fear, if you’re using internet, like, you know, who are you interacting with and whatnot.

And I think that’s still there now. But at that point, it was a more extreme kind of a thing. So they used to keep a tab, keep what is being watched and so on.

So then Facebook was one of those sites, which I was using quite actively. And the question came, what is the point of using this? And I was like, nothing like, you know, I can just inform my friends, if I’m not coming to school today, I can post, what did I eat for lunch, what did I eat for dinner and whatnot. And this simple answer now, to them sounded very, very stupid and very ridiculous, that why would somebody care? What are you doing for your lunch and dinner? But then I think in that moment of time, right, neither me nor them could have imagined this phenomenon would go so out of hand, and it would blow up to the extent which it has.

And I think, this happens with every major technological leap. So I think, going back in history, that there are companies like AT&T in the US, which thought that cell phone itself is a fad, it will never become a visible technology. And they lost out on millions because of this.

There are companies who thought internet itself is a fad, which will die out after a few months, but now look at where internet is. And then Facebook’s fad happened. Now Facebook is the standard.

And I think we are at that very critical turning point for NFTs as well. Currently, the perception is that people are just buying and trading JPEGs. It’s a very stupid activity.

But I think this stupid activity slash fad will become so mainstream at such a big scale, so fast that it will all seem like it happened in the blink of an eye. So whenever somebody in my circle questions this, I’m just like, just look at some historical patterns, like look at what always happened with disruptive technologies. And I think the same exact signals are also visible for NFTs right now.

Right. So I think it is the, you know, what you kind of put it very beautifully, that any kind of technological disruption, it comes with it, it faces a lot of resistance, right? And then before you know it, it has kind of taken over and taken over all aspects of your life. Exactly.

And some of them catch on very, very rapidly, some of them take time. But I think now because of the kind of speed and connectivity which is there, I think now almost nothing takes too much time. Everything is quite fast.

Yes, that is absolutely true. I think in any which way in crypto and blockchain, because everything is open, right? So it’s all incremental. Nobody’s starting from scratch.

And that is why the speed at which things happen here is absolutely manic to somebody who’s probably not used to this space. Things move really fast here just because it’s all open. But then, you know, it’s all about collective intelligence and we kind of moving forward in this space, at this pace, and we are all kind of growing together.

And I think that is like the beauty of blockchain. Yeah, absolutely. I think this whole transparency, incremental innovation, and the fact that it’s a 24 by 7 market, you know, somebody’s always working on something and they always make it very public what they’re working on, which in return then gets more ideas on board and stuff.

I think this is like this is the best way to innovate. You know, I think we are very fortunate that you and I are currently still at what we can call the early stages of blockchain. Absolutely, absolutely.

I think we are very blessed that, you know, we are so early and we are telling everybody to join this, you know, new so called it almost seems like a cult with the way that, you know, the Web3 entrepreneurs encourage other people to come in, you know, into this space, but it is a very dynamic and interesting space. Like if you’re somebody who wants to learn and grow tremendously, then there is no better place than Web3 to do that. Absolutely, absolutely.

And then, you know, now coming from a Web2 kind of startup background, even I am sometimes shocked, what is the pace of things at which, you know, what is the pace of things are moving in NFT labs for the kind of milestone roadmaps and stuff, which we had in like our Web2 days. These things are just, you know, just very, very accelerated. But I think that is a real power because the speed of progress is so fast that if you don’t kind of, you know, keep running with it, then you just fall behind very, very fast.

Yes, that’s absolutely true. I completely agree. You have to push yourself to stay, stay up with the trends, basically.

It’s 24-7, you know, there is some development happening somewhere in some part of the world, and that is bound to surprise you. So, you know, enough again about Web3 now, you know, moving perhaps to content and community. So, you know, this space is what it is because of the community that, you know, we kind of create, end up creating around our products and platforms.

So what are, or who are the thought leaders or influencers that, you know, you swear by, or what are your places where, you know, perhaps glean all this information from? So, you know, people have created this whole category of hustle porn, food porn and stuff. So I think for me, that category is Gary Vee porn. Like I’m a big follower of Gary Vee, and I think he’s the one person to whom I think maximum of my social media exposure happens and comes from.

So Gary Vee basically has been talking about Web3 and stuff. And so while I basically, I’m one of those guys who’s watched every piece of content that he’s put out around this, not just once, but multiple times. And I continue doing it on a daily basis.

I think the straightforward answer is that Gary Vee is definitely number one, but then also certain institutions, for example, Anderson Horowitz, A16Z, they have a very, very, very good blog. And I try to keep up with that as well. So, so I think these two are the main sources.

All right. Okay. So again, this is something that I kind of, you know, ask in the end to whoever is on, you know, coming on the podcast, we are kind of now running a little out of time.

So I would definitely come to the same question. If somebody, you know, from Web2 is, or from somebody from the outside is peering into this Web3 space, how would you, you know, perhaps convince them or what would be your two suggestions for them to perhaps, you know, start living on blockchain? Two suggestions, I think the first one would be simply the idea, don’t waste, you know, don’t go into the situation of paralysis by analysis. I have, I have, I have come very close to that myself.

But luckily, I was able to, you know, actually like dive in before, before the whole analysis kind of killed the dream. So I think that is the, that is the main thing. And you know, this applies to I think all startups as such, right? If you waste too much time in thinking and just planning, you don’t actually do much in that time.

And I think the amount of amount of learning and amount of learning you can get from doing right, it will enable you to pivot also rapidly if something goes wrong, because eventually, you know, as everybody knows, all startup plans go to shit, right? Immediately, like whatever. Yeah, when you start doing business, things just change very dynamically. So no, it doesn’t really matter what you have planned anyways.

So why to waste time in planning so much that that would be the first advice. And the second would be that there’s no, it’s not too early or too late. I think we are in that, we are in an industry where, because you know, India’s size is kind of a billion people.

There are like 20 million crypto traders. There will for a long time, we will keep telling people that we are early. But those who are already in the game, they will kind of feel, we have reached a plateau, it’s late.

I think that will never come, there will never come the right time like bear market, bull market and all of these things should be kind of kept aside. And if somebody really wants to enter now, they should just do it. First of all, don’t think too much.

And secondly, don’t try to time the market. Because the market is like, you know, ultimately, it’s very, very unpredictable. Like even though you and I are, you know, it’s you’re like a much more veteran than me, but you know, we can’t predict anything, which is like, nobody can predict anything.

Veteran, no veteran. I don’t believe that anybody can be a veteran in this space. Everyday I’m learning something new.

I feel like I’m entering this space every day when I learn, you know, different things, because I don’t really trust people who call themselves blockchain experts. Because how can you be an expert in a space which is still so evolving? So I think, you know, you what you’re saying is absolutely right. Nobody should try to time the market.

I think that goes for any kind of market, really honestly, it’s not just a crypto market, which is like, okay, very volatile. But otherwise, also with any market, I think nobody should try to time the market. And, you know, analysis paralysis is something that people should not get into.

I think, you know, there is a very wrong notion that in the web3 space, only people who are like very tech savvy, or engineers can get in. And this is something I try to dispel in every, you know, place, whenever I go and speak that, you know, we need people from all skill sets. And there is space for everybody.

It’s just that, you know, you don’t have to start getting intimidated, you need to have that confidence and just take the leap of faith, because this, it will be like a journey like no other that you’ve taken or undertaken in your life so far. Exactly, exactly. Absolutely.

I agree with you. Could not say it better. So before we wrap this up, any last thoughts for our listeners? Not thoughts as such.

But I think there are a few patterns which are very obvious, right? Comes to crypto, you know, like, it’s one of those kind of markets. But like, if you go back in time, even more recently, when Uber was new, for example, so many people thought that Uber will get banned any day. And Uber did get banned in a lot of markets, but then they fought their way back.

And now, you know, Uber is a standard in computing. And now it’s too late to say that they will fail. I think crypto has already reached that point.

And NFTs also may have reached, I mean, I’m not an expert by any means, but these things are all here to stay. Either we can choose to just ignore them and be indifferent and miss out on any opportunity, or we can just kind of, you know, submit and join the revolution. I think joining the cult, so to say, is much more beneficial to everybody than just staying on the sidelines and complaining.

Yeah, no, I absolutely agree. I think, you know, that is a wonderful way to sort of close this conversation. Thank you so much, Atharv, for taking out the time to speak to us and, you know, to let us know and deep dive a little about more about NFTs and their use cases.

I’m sure that this is something that our listeners will love. Thank you so much for taking out the time. Thank you for having me, Atharv.

Thank you so much. Great speaking with you.

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